27 April 2008


Currently, the Angels are 10-5 on the road, and 6-5 at home.  The home record, of course will get better, and that's not an issue.  But I seriously can't remember a time when the Angels looked that good on the road.  After two of the harder road series they'll have to face this year, I'm thoroughly impressed.  

Two out of three in Boston at Fenway is absolutely huge.  But the Angels proved that winning day to day isn't just a philosophy - it's a way of life - when they took two out of three today at Detroit.  That's even more huge.  The starting rotation is starting to finally pick up some of the slack and get it done.  Saunders and Santana, the labelled fourth and fifth starters, are on track to have a phenomenal 16+ (I say 20) wins this year.  And these are your fourth and fifth guys (once Lackey returns to the number one spot).  Garland, though a bit unstable at times, will hopefully pick it up, and Weaver pitched phenomenally today (the two earned runs came just after his exit, and he still had some gas in the tank when they took him out - could've possibly spared those two had they left him in...) and once Lackey returns, it'll be basically unstoppable.

There aren't too many teams in the league that could suffer the kind of blow the Angels have endured, and overcome.  Lackey was a nineteen game winner last year, and the number-two punch, Escobar, won eighteen.  Both had very superlative ERAs, as well; and just like that BAM gone.  Most teams have a hell of a time filling out three, four, and five in their rotations WITH two aces, let alone replace them in the lineup alongside that issue.  But somehow the Angels have made due - granted, having both aces in would be RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING, but even though more could be desired from Moseley, you can't really say they haven't pulled it together quite nicely despite one of the most crippling blows to any organization.

This is really quite promising - winning away at Fenway and again at Comerica, just shows that maybe this time the Angels have found the proper balance - and I love that it's coming from their same starters.  It's amazing what having healthy individuals can do for your team.

Kotchman = Gold Glove.  

The End.

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