10. Reasons Guys are on the DL
Yeah I know the DL is a necessary tool. But seriously, some of those guys go on it ALL THE TIME. And some of them, for really stupid reasons. I can understand breaking your arm, leg, finger, etc. I can understand back surgery, I can understand pulling a hamstring, maybe. But seriously, the hip flexor thing every other day, the hamstring every day... Yeah, I know it's just because I don't play and I seriously don't understand the seriousness of any of it. I've broken fingers and pulled muscles and messed up my back and shoulders and neck a billion times. It sucks. And it's not that I'm saying the guys are wimps or whatever, I just wish they'd come back and play!!! Ha!
9. Complete Team Trades Before the Post-Season Playoffs
The Dodgers seem to do this like, EVERY YEAR. They'll start the season with one set of players, and by the end of the season there are maybe two guys that were originally there. Yes, I'm over-exaggerating. Get over it. But seriously, they trade more than anyone I'm seeing. It's crazy. All. The. Time. They just got Loiaza from the As. And he isn't the only trade they've made this month.
8. Talk about Steroids and how the Issue is Handled
Like Chipper Jones said, A-Rod is next. And it wasn't an insult or a jab at A-Rod that he said that; instead, it was a statement about the media. I'm really surprised I haven't heard more on the issue. He's a really big guy - I made the comment yesterday watching him at bat against Beckett. He really is. But I don't believe he's been doing the steroids thing, and I would really care. He's good. Screw the steroids. Just like Bonds. I'm so sick of hearing about it. And worse - I'm sick of the fact that guys who come forward with their usage get off so easily.
7. Red Sox Fans at Fenway
Seriously, shut up. You are so annoying. No matter where the Sox play, they have a big following. But nothing is worse than playing at Fenway. There was actually an article about this on SI.com or Fox.com or one of those sport sites that I read a couple days ago, saying something similar (I've been saying this ALL SEASON). Seriously, chill out. It's just a game. They are loud, obnoxious, and down-right brutal sometimes. Not even Yankees fans are like that. It's almost the equivalent these days of Raiders fans. Ew.
6. Switching Bullpen Pitchers to Match Batters
There are a couple teams that really do this a lot. They'll match a right-handed pitcher to a right-handed batter, and go through the lineup until they get to a lefty. "Oh yeah, by the way, warm up so-and-so, there's a lefty a bit down the lineup and we'll need him. Ok thanks. Yes, yes, I know he's the only lefty in the lineup, just do it. Bye." He'll come out, pitch to one guy, and they'll do a pitching change immediately following. Doesn't that seem to lack confidence in your bullpen? Why not let your guys LEARN to pitch both sides? Get some work out there eh?
5. Stupid Nicknames in Baseball
A-Rod, I get. Ok. K-Rod, starting to push it a bit but I understand. Big Daddy, Big Papi - cute, but a little strange. But whatever, I'll take it. But seriously, why do the Angels announcers attach a "y" to everything? Shieldsy, Matty, Figgy, etc. Could you imagine Izturis? Izturis-y? No, they just call him "Mighty Maicer" now. Ha! And there are always the initials... GA, OC, JD... Can't we just be normal and use their names? I decided to give the Red Sox my own nicknames this year during their series with the Angels so far. I know enough of their lineup that I figured I could handle remembering it. Coco Crisp = Cookie. Manny Ramirez = The Predator. Kevin Youkilis = well, I started calling him Johnny Cage because of his at-bat position, he looks like a character at ready in Mortal Kombat... but originally I was calling him Thor because he reminds me of a Viking. Yes, I know Thor has nothing to do with Vikings. Get over it, I liked the way it sounded and I really don't care what you say. So there. But Dice-K??? Now that just goes too far.
4. Watching the Angels Games on ESPN
I seriously despise watching the Angels on ESPN, or any other network other than FSN or KCOP. Why? Because, somehow, no matter who is playing, the topic of choice always ends up somewhere around Boston, either New York team, or Chicago (*cough cough* east coast bias *cough cough*). But anyway, if I'm watching a game, I want to hear THAT game. And THAT game ONLY. I'll watch Baseball Tonight for the rest of it. Just stick to the topic ok? Seriously. And it's always, if the Angels play well and win, it's the fault of the other team for playing crappy. And if the Angels lose, even if it was a close game and they lost it in the 14th inning by a stupid run, the Angels got "smashed" or "hammered" or "destroyed." It's pretty ridiculous. Get no credit.
3. Nomar Garciaparra's At-Bat Routine
I've said this before. But seriously, the guy drives me insane. I really just want to go out and buy the gloves with the Velcro around the wrist and send them to him just so he actually has something to adjust. I mean, yeah, there are a bunch of guys that adjust their gloves between every pitch. And that in itself is annoying enough, I assure you. But come on, at least it's not AIR.
2. Players with Big Mouths
I was particularly reminded of this while playing the Mariners this past series. Apparently, Jose Guillen used to play for the Angels in 02 and got mad about being pulled or something, and got in Scioscia's face. Not smart. So Scioscia pulled him from the team and let him go after that year. So Guillen made it his personal goal to destroy the Angels this last series, and pretty much every series he plays. We all can see how well that went over. Ha! That'll teach him to keep his mouth shut. The first time I ever saw the Red Sox I felt the same way about Ramirez. No matter what, I can't stand the guy. Sorry.
1. The Way Some of the Guys Wear their Uniforms
When the players' uniforms match what I'm wearing when I go to bed at night, we know there is some kind of problem. They really do look like pajamas - oversized jersey tops, and the long pants that go down to their shoes... I'm not a fan. Definitely not a fan. What can I say? I'm a traditionalist. I like the jerseys when they're actually the right size and the look of the socks up. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because that's how we wore them when I played back in the day. It's like the whole thing with basketball uniforms too; it's not that I was all into the really short shorts that were shorter than shorts I would even consider wearing today (and I'm a girl, ha!), but I don't see the practicality of wearing shorts that are down to your ankles (why not just wear pants?) and the elastic sits about halfway down your legs. I don't get it. How is that comfortable and how can you possibly be agile like that? You can't, don't EVEN say you can. Liars. Same with baseball. Oversized jerseys, not practical. Period. And it looks bad. Fix it. I'm liking that the trend with a lot of the newer players, rookies and such (Morales, Willits, Speier) at least on the Angels, who are wearing their socks up again. Yay for tradition!
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